NO32820 25 Fir trees (N/Z)

This set is part of the 'Hobby Trees' range of trees for 'N' & 'Z'. These are low-priced trees covered with a realistic leaf flock. The form and colours of the leaves of these favourite trees are excellent. Plant a whole forest at a reasonable price.
NO32820 25 Fir trees  (N/Z)NO32820 25 Fir trees (N/Z)
Price: NZ $ 36.60
Total: NZ $ 36.60
Total without tax: NZ $ 31.83
Total discount:
GST: NZ $ 4.77
NO32820 25 Fir trees  (N/Z)
NO32820 25 Fir trees  (N/Z)

25 trees of 35 - 90 mm.

Units in box: 25