NO26828 25 Snow fir trees (HO/TT)

The well-known NOCH Hobby Series has been entirely revised in 2017 and completely re-designed. The main focus of the process was improving the quality and achieving a realistic look at favourable prices. The result speaks for itself: The cost-efficient NOCH Hobby Trees are now even more beautiful!

The cost-efficient NOCH Hobby-Trees are ideal for creating forests on your model railway layout. They are the perfect way to cost-efficiently design dense forests and natural tree groupings. The trees are available in different heights.
NO26828 25 Snow fir trees (HO/TT)NO26828 25 Snow fir trees (HO/TT)
Price: NZ $ 42.90
Total: NZ $ 42.90
Total without tax: NZ $ 37.30
Total discount:
GST: NZ $ 5.60
NO26828 25 Snow fir trees (HO/TT)
NO26828 25 Snow fir trees (HO/TT)

25 trees,  50 - 140 mm high