FA120322 - 2 Buffers with shearing brakes (HO)

Plastic kitset model.
Period 3. (1946 - 1977)
To protect track ends permanently. Two stationary, firmly anchored steel bumpers with shearing brakes as complementary braking elements prevent the waggons from breaking away at track ends. Model without function.
FA120322 - 2 Buffers with shearing brakes   (HO)FA120322 - 2 Buffers with shearing brakes (HO)
Price: NZ $ 31.90
Total: NZ $ 31.90
Total without tax: NZ $ 27.74
Total discount:
GST: NZ $ 4.16
FA120322 - 2 Buffers with shearing brakes   (HO)
FA120322 - 2 Buffers with shearing brakes   (HO)
FA120322 - 2 Buffers with shearing brakes   (HO)

 127 x 24 x 23 mm (2 x)  Available from April 2020

Units in box: 1 pair