KI39495 Walser Village (HO)

Kit. The landscape around Davos is marked by constructions of the Walser which moved there in the 13th century from the Oberwallis. Often such timber-framed constructions are located there, as a typical single court settlement as well as a complete village. Set consists of two houses, one stabel and one barn. Suitable for Davos-Monstein Station KI39493.
KI39495 Walser Village (HO)KI39495 Walser Village (HO)
Price: NZ $ 99.10
Total: NZ $ 99.10
Total without tax: NZ $ 86.17
Total discount:
GST: NZ $ 12.93
KI39495 Walser Village (HO)
KI39495 Walser Village (HO)
KI39495 Walser Village (HO)
KI39495 Walser Village (HO)

Dimensions: L 125 x W 95 x H 98 mm; L 125 x W 95 x H 98 mm; L 95 x W 70 x H 90 mm & L 75 x W 60 x H 70 mm.

Units in box: 1